Monday, July 13, 2009

5 Books of the Year

My first year of serious studying is slowly but surely coming to its close. It has been productive and intellectually challenging. My brain needed the exercise, some math, some econometrics, some economics - and a lot of reading. My favorite books of this year:

Fukuyama "End of History or the Last Man"
Hirschman "Passions and Interests"
Thompson "Organizations in Action"
Murmann "Knowledge and Competitive Advantage"
Barnard "Funcions of the Executive"

and some more, from the other land:

Marjane Satrapi "Persipolis"
Art Spiegelman "Maus"
Vargas Llosa "Paraiso en la Otra Esquina"
Orhan Pamuk "Black Book"
Salman Rushdie "Shalimar the Clown"

May the next year begin!

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