A thought for the fox, baobabs, and the mouton.
Anyway, very nice online version when you need a break here.

An interesting information I was not aware of from the all-knowing Wiki:
"In March 2008, a former Luftwaffe pilot, 85-year-old Horst Rippert, told La Provence, a Marseille newspaper, that he engaged and downed a P-38 Lightning on July 31, 1944 in the area where Saint Exupéry's plane was found.[12][13][14] According to Rippert, he was on a reconnaissance mission over the Mediterranean sea when he saw a P-38 with a French emblem behind him near Toulon.[15] Rippert says he opened fire at the P-38, which crashed into the sea."....
This is what I'm reading to Luca when I'm trying to get him to go to sleep. In French, of course.
Do you know i learnt french reading that book? You are doing well :)!
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