Sunday, September 02, 2012

Summer Adieu

Summer is over, and not much to report on the climbing front for me.  Several months have gone by occupied by many activities, most not that much related to climbing.  And life still goes on in its own particular way despite that.  I am fortunate enough to have almost recovered from my shoulder injury thanks to the efforts of Andreu, and my own tireless exercising of shoulders and core strength.  Maybe this will help me in the future projects, maybe not.

The shoulder holds, pic. by Jonas

One of the activities I have been enjoying very much lately is taking pictures and learning to work on them (thanks, Jonas!).  One day my disposable income will be enough to afford a good camera, buy Lightroom, and devote myself to the contemplative, but also creative side of life.  In the meantime, however, I remain a proud weekend-warrior in most of the things I practice, last but not least photography.

Composition in the forest

Together or alone?


Anonymous said...

verdades o mentiras, pero buenas y inspiradoras fotos de montaña, por si te sirven.

uasunflower said...

uiii si, muy guapas las imagines, muchos recuerdos en estos se si volvere algun dia, me gustaria. Gracias por compartir y dile hola a las cimas de mi parte :)

Justice for Zim said...

Thanks grreat blog post